DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) DAY 4

DAY 66

I took the back compartment off my laptop, put it back on and the bloody thing stopped working. It’s just ungrateful. I have bought it a new power connector and a new SSD hard drive to upgrade it and it does this to me. So I’ve scheduled major surgery on it tomorrow, which means cloning its hard drive, fitting the new one and soldering in a new power connector. I will be pig sick if the processor or mother board has become defunct.

As for today the highlight of the morning was the 10 0’clock self stabbing and the prolonged bath that followed it. Having soaked, I dressed and went into the garden to see how it was doing and I was pleased with what I saw as I took a phone call in the fresh air. The plants and trees are waking up and showing all the signs of spring, not long now, while the rest of the garden is showing some signs of the battering it has had this winter. I sympathise with it, I feel like I have had a bit of a battering myself, losing out on the holiday was the last straw really. It will get better, I will get better and soon be able to get back to training, writing and doing the things I like and need to do. I miss my friends.

We took a short trip to the garden centre for lunch and to look to see if there was anything that we could spend one of our civil partnership gift vouchers on.  We ate and chatted before wandering around the garden centre looking to see if anything “called to us”. Nothing did so we returned home empty handed. We will wait till Spring is well under way and look again for something to come and live in the garden with us.

Once home I book an evening meal at a local pub and tinker with the laptop. It dies. I retreat to the main PC in the office and write the blog before getting ready to go out. One thing I have done is buy a syringe carrying case so that I can take my injections with me if I am out and about during my time to inject. I guess it’s no different from being diabetic but it is new to me. Always something new in this staying alive adventure.

A friend reminded me that today is Terry Pratchett day and that he wrote of death the following:

“No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away…”

Terry Pratchett. 28th April 1948 – 12th March 2015.
The direction is forward, always.