DAY 64

“There is nothing more truly artistic than loving people”

Vincent Van Goth 1853 – 1890

What a day. The morning was taken up with writing my report from the accreditation visit to a TC that I did last week. The pain of filling in boxes with the relevant evidence was nothing compared to the panic that set in when I thought I had lost the work I had done. I eventually found the file tucked away in a temporary file in the bowels of the computer. I was much relieved when I had sent the required report to the programme manager who was waiting to complete the full report. Once the report was done I was free to enjoy the rest of the week with my partner task free. Of course at 10 o’clock I had to take a self stabbing break. It went okay, I guess it will get easier as time goes on.

I found that the “Van Gogh the immersive experience” was still on in town so I booked tickets and my partner and I went to have lunch in the Cosy Club. After a good meal and checking the route to the venue we set of to All Saints church in the centre of Leicester.

The entrance to the Van Goth Immersive Experience

What followed we a sheer delight. There were some biographical material and explanation of the installation. The experience included a real size mock up Van Goth’s bedroom and some graphic projections. The central experience was a display that filled the entire adapted church space with music and moving images. The final delight is an opportunity to use the virtual reality headsets to go on a journey in Arles and to see the inspiration for some of Van Goths most famous paintings. This was for me something I could get addicted to, its lucky that I am not into video games I would never get out of the virtual reality worlds.

Van Goth’s bedroom copied from his own painting
A Taster from YouTube

Out of the church we retrieve the car and return home via our local shop to get food for tea. Home and my partner prepare tea while I start the blog and down load some of the videos and pictures I took at the Van Goth experience. My evening will be completing the blog and keeping an eye on the Liverpool football match.


  1. Diane says:

    The Vincent van Gogh exhibition looks great. Have you seen the film “Loving Vincent” – that was good too.

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