DAY 58

I wake to a busy house, partner already hooked to work through the laptop having discussions about something beyond my understanding, my eldest daughter busily disappearing through the front door to work. I have my now standard breakfast of muesli and orange juice and get ready for the day. I leave my partner busily sorting out work over the phone and set off to do what I need for the day. My intention was to hunt for the power inlet I need to repair my laptop but decide to go and see the Damian Hurst’s at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park.  My first stop is for coffee at the cafe where I take the opportunity to write the blog for yesterday and begin todays. I have thinking to do as well as some practical things such as sourcing a new power input socket for my laptop. This could be tricky. The practicality of fitting a new one is dependent on whether the power inlet is part of the fixed board so I probably need to open it up before I can know which part to order. The You Tube video I watched glibly said that the maker had ordered a replacement part but I am finding it difficult to source the part. There is the possibility that the board is cracked, so I need to get into it and have a look which means making sure I copy the hard drive.

Anyway I view the Damian Hursts. There is a new giant cockerel at the entrance that is in what looks like a Spanish style. I am pretty sure the BBC art correspondent was in the café with a retinue of people, I supposed he was there doing a piece for the TV.  I find when I am at YSP I have conversations with myself about how I am; I suppose it is a thinking space that allows me to think about the unthinkable. Today I found myself facing the way my sense of time has changed. I leave about 4 o’clock and drive back down the M1 but one the way back I felt light headed and need to stop to eat and wait for myself to feel better. A panicky moment but I drove back slowly and carefully till I got home. I eat tea and feel better, in time for our next door neighbour to pop round with the Amazon parcels that had been delivered to them. This evening it will be a relaxing bath and an early night in preparation for tomorrows trip to London for and Enabling Environment meeting.