DAY 52

It’s been a day of doing and of looking after. Once up I focussed on doing the final preparations for the holiday including trying to book a taxi to the airport. I thought I had success but when I got the email asking me to confirm they had jacked the price up by £50, so I shall be looking for another taxi firm. I awarded myself a gold star for achievement when I fathomed out how to pay a cheque into our account using my phone. Quite easy really; but a useful skill to have.

I’d already decided to go to the gym quite early to have breakfast and them to train, so off I went to the gym but stopped at Sainsbury’s to pick up Euros for the holiday. Amazing that you can just walk in and get fistfuls of foreign cash. Then onto the gym where I settled down to do the crosswords and eat eggs Benedict. So a relaxing morning before I donned my kit and did an hour’s exercise  wearing my wrist weights. Success, I shifted 849 calories and got my 10,000 steps reward. I flopped in the lounge and downed a post exercise drink and a bowl of Thai chicken soup.

 By the time I felt up for the drive back time was getting on. I had a long chat on the phone with a friend who is recovering from a bout of what sounds like flu. Once home I walked briskly to the village chemist to collect my drugs and a loaf, as I had seen a weather forecast that suggested it was going to hail and sleet on Friday morning. I’m not going out in that and plan to review evidence for the service review I am doing next week.

The reflection

 So finally in for the night I clear the kitchen, unpack Daisy the dishwasher and put my weekly wash on. Its blog time till my partner gets home and we prepare for her singing teacher to arrive. My eldest daughter has yet to get back from the university but the good news is that at her mid doctorial exam went well and she is being allowed to carry on to the full doctorate. She appears to have gained an academic admirer who is going to join her supervision team on the basis of the quality of her presentation and discussion yesterday. Go the eldest! Proud parent moment. Tonight I will check to see if my latest Jasper Fforde Kindle book has down loaded. This is part of my holiday preparation. Once I’ve done this it will be football and post singing lesson Death in Paradise.

It is another mundane day with a hint of cancer, e.g drug collection for my Monday 28 day injection and my holiday drugs. To add to this is my impression that my right calf and ankle is swelling a bit, it certainly appears to be bigger than my left calf and ankle. It might be that I’ve pulled, strained or twisted my ankle a bit. I shall ice it and see what happens. So tomorrow, if I go to the gym, will be an upper body workout. Friday is a leg rest day.