DAY 21

Back to the world of work. My family all go out to work and I soon follow them out the door on my way to an enabling environment meeting in Burton on Trent. It’s nice to get on the road again and to drive to an organisation that is starting out its enabling environment journey. The team I met where interested and positive so it’s now a case of waiting and seeing what strategy they adopt for their organisation. From my meeting I went to the gym for lunch and them a session on the cross trainer. My hour brought up the 10,000 steps and saw me burn off 804 calories. So a good session. On the way home I posted the first lot of thank you cards. The civil partnership day on Friday is still very much with me. Once home I changed and then read for a while. I suspect I might have napped before my partner returned home from work and prepared dinner. I watched football this evening before starting to think about the blog.

During the evening my partner Facebooks someone who she finds on our now deceased garners Facebook page. We get a reply very quickly. Apparently our friend and gardener died of a combination of kidney failure and sepsis having been found at home in a bad way. By the sound of it he died in the hospital within 48 hours of admission. There is to be a small and exclusively family funeral but a wake later in the local pub. All of this means that my partner and I will have the opportunity to pay our respects to someone we both held in great affection. We both miss him and find ourselves talking about him quite frequently.

Big news today prostate cancer has overtaken breast cancer as the most common cancer after breast cancer and is the third biggest cancer killer after bowel and stomach cancer. Good to know I am in the majority for once and up for a bronze medal. So there is a down side to being a white middle class older male after all.