I woke early and moved my car to let my partner go to work. The usual tidying and breakfast plus drugs routine and then I was reading waiting for the Sainsbury delivery. It duly arrived and I stowed the goodies away. The post arrived and brought me a letter from EE basically threatening me that if I did not pay them £30 they would grass me up to the credit agencies. Cuts no ice with me. I rang them and asked what it was for, they were vague to start with except hat it was an old account about which I had forgotten any security answers to. I realised that this was for a mobile dongle that I had got years ago and had been paying Orange for years on a direct debit. The helpful person at the other end went off to talk to his manager and left me listening to crap music. Result they were happy to close the account and they had decided to waive the £30. Thank you very much I enthused and smiled as I put the phone down. I knew it was a good idea to cancel all my old direct debts when we set up the joint account. I relaxed in to writing letters. By lunch time I was craving Thia chicken soup at the gym, so I drove via the post box and indulged in soup and hot chocolate surrounded by ladies that lunch and those that bounce up and down in water believing that this is good for them. I returned home and finished my washing and started the blog.

I realise that this waiting is very like a Kafka story, The Trial in particular. This strange state of waiting and not knowing seems familiar coupled with a sense of being watched by dark figures.

Tonight we are going to the opening show of the Leicester comedy festival. It’s a bit of a gamble on who will turn up. Sometimes it is good other times less so. Hopefully tonight will be a good one; I could do with a lift. Today is the first full moon of the year, that’s encouraging.

Good to see comedy doing its bot for prostate cancer.