Fight, for fuck sake make up your mind and live!

Its Thursday and I am up early to get ready to go and see the hand, wrist and scar repair woman. First a shower and the taking of my morning meds, which includes another big dose of vitamin D. So clean and full of the sunshine vitamin I drive in the bright morning to see my specialist. She is bright and cheery as ever and looks at my hand and scars then measures them. Apparently I am dong very well. She tells me I am ready for stage two which means that I get a piece of magic silicon to wear on my scares at night under my splint. Each night I am to apply it and then in the morning I take it of, wash it and save it for the next night. I am not sure how this is going to help but i take her at her word and she gives me an instruction sheet with long words on it, over which she writes what it means in real English. She is pleased and so does not need to see me for four weeks, we set a date and I pay her. A considerably less sum than my previous two visits.

I drive home and set about moving pots around in the front garden preparing to turf over one of the beds. I use the sack barrow that I bought for the job and it works beautifully. I am able to move the big pots of irises ( my grandfathers) to around the bay window where it is the sunniest and warmest. Irises like heat on their rhizomes. The job is almost finished when my partner returns home from having her nails done. There is just some tidying up to be done and the jettisoning of old matting and lawn lights to be done and I am finished with the garden for the day. The bulbs are all coming through and there are patches of splendid colour that have survived the work we had done on the drive last year.

The pots all moved to their best positions by trusty new sack barrow.

I continue to odds and ends that need doing like putting air in the car tyre that is showing low and throwing out all matting and then I am finally done in the garden for today. With everything packed away I return to to the house for a late lunch and find myself writing. In doing so I find my scribblings from yesterday, so I end up with two new pieces, which I share below.

It’s twenty-five years ago today
my father died.
A quarter of a century ago
before COVID and many other things.
Never close, I look inside
and find a void,
rare glimpses of a man distant,
untouchable and untouching.
In the end left to die
by wife and daughter
because they thought
he’d be more comfortable
if left alone.
Sounds like unconscious murder to me.
That conspiracy of the moment,
the easiest path the leads
to a benign coroner.
A mother and daughter combo
in the night doing what’s right
given his condition.
I sit here with my partner
and our eldest daughter
still at home
and wonder if family stories
echo and repeat across generations.
Note to self:
Don’t get ill in the night,
especially now the partner
has retired.
436 05-03-2025

I could do yoga – once or twice a week
I could eat less sweets – a ban
I could eat fewer cakes – a ban
I could read more – less TV
I could write more – less lazing around
I could exercise more – everyday
I could communicate more – talk to people
I could play music – less fantasy time
I could do less “phone” – more real time.
All of this I could do
But on balance my cancer
Wouldn’t give a fuck.
I just might be more knowledgeable,
And fitter with fewer
Side effects from my drugs,
But I am not curable,
I’m being palliated,
managed and consoled.
How do you think that feels?
Yep, like Crunchies, Red Bull,
Football and violent TV,
flat out on a recliner
watching my garden overgrow
and daring myself to be happy.
437 06-03-2025

Having typed up the pieces I draft the blog and throw in my days endeavours and the pieces. Before I know it 5 o’clock rolls round, its time to do my hand exercises, massage my scars and give them a good creaming. I note that the football tonight kicks off in 45 minutes so it will all be over in time for some more of the violent Pennyworth series. If I read this series right this is Batman’s butler prequal. Ingenious no wonder the lead sounds so much like Michael Caine. So I go into the evening mapped out as I head for my night meds and the joy of playing with my new magic night dressing for my scars. Tomorrow I go to the optician for an eye test. As I get older my short sightedness improves, so that I can drive without the need of glasses but I need glasses more and more for reading, so tomorrow is about getting a correct prescription, possible some new glasses. Then I will be equipped to move back into the office space and the opportunity to fire up the new incinerator.

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Soon the Hibiscus will return.

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