Fight, fight, fight!

The weekend (Days 157 ad 158 were just full of my youngest grandson visiting with his parents. So there was much playing and feasting as it coincided with my partners retirement. The sunshine and there were ducks to feed and soft play centres to explore. I maintained my steady pace and enjoyed just watching at times as the family played. In the evenings when the young boy had gone to sleep we adults sat around the table and exchanged news and plans, it felt like a family should.

The boy is clearly in!
The boy has the book gene, it bodes well for the future

Monday starts with the youngest grandchild and his parents having breakfast and preparing to drive home. He is in good form and everyone seems happy as my partner and I wave them off late morning with a car full of new things, including a rocking donkey. With them disappeared over the hill I get properly dressed and walk down to the GP surgery to get my 28 day jab and my three monthly vitamin B12 jab. However I did manage to trip arse over head again in my own porch. That’s a second trip in four days and I am convinced it is due to my slip on Sketchers with their memory foam soles. My jab never takes long so I am in and out quickly having booked the next jab. This month is a long month and I get two jabs in the one month. I leave the GP surgery and head for the village pharmacy as I have had a message from my GP that my latest blood tests show me to be vitamin D deficient! So I wander into the pharmacy more in hope than expectancy that my prescription will have come through but to my surprise it had. In a few moments I had been dispensed my Vitamin D bombs. I am supposed to take two a week for seven weeks then buy the daily over the counter, lower dose ones. Of course I have read all the symptoms of low Vitamin D, which are all serious (if a bit nebulous) but not tucked away in the narrative that very many Vitamin D deficient people are asymptomatic! It sounds a bit dubious but of course I will do as I am advised but I can’t help feeling that a sunny holiday and the suck on a Tuna would be as good for me.

On retuning home I find my partner has her first retirement drop in visitor sipping tea and having biscuits. I leave them to chat and do the crosswords for the day and take my first Vitamin D bomb for the week and pop one into the dosette box for Thursday. So with my new med incorporated into my meds regime I settle on the sofa and start to draft the catch up blog.

With the departure of my partners first retirement visitor I take her for an afternoon toasted tea cake and a drink at a local garden centre where we chatted about our grandparenting weekend and bits and piece we want to do over the next few weeks. Its mostly clearing the decks stuff and time to ourselves to do things. As I result of this conversation I later ordered more patio tiles to put pots onto and a bright and shiny brand spanking new garden incinerator to burn all the papers that we no longer need to keep. There is an office clear out on our “TO DO” list and much of that involves burning old paperwork and files. The weather forecast is good so there may well be smoke over the garden soon. We drove home via the garage and dropped into a quiet time before the evening comes around.

I can feel my injection site becoming sore and know what’s coming over the next 48 to 72 hours, I can already feel myself getting cold as my body responds to the injection. As I go through the evening this will get worse until I am shivery like a junkie. My only course of action will be to down paracetamol and go to bed and ride it out. I will be pretty useless tomorrow and possibly the day after, which is why I do not arrange anything in the two days after my jab. Now that I have had my GP add in big doses of vitamin D into the equation I’ve no idea if it will effect me or not. Just when I thought I was getting back into a routine it gets disrupted again. Beyond it all is the desperate desire to get back into training properly, this fits and spurts process is doing me no good, consistency is what I am looking for.

The evening arrives and there is a meal to eat before Tesco delivers and the final episodes of Zero Day get watched. At this point I retreat to bed.

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Of course not, give me vitamins!

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