Fight dig in and resist.

Saturday, It was a day of sporting indulgence. One football match and two rugby matches and an evening of Pennyworth, the current binge watch. There was a quick interlude to chat to the garden guy and to eat. The main event of the day was to remove the bandaging on my palm and begin the process of cleaning and creaming my palm scar regularly. The use of the compression bandage is now more frequent along with a new hand exercise. So as I watch my day of sport I am regularly attending to my hand. It looks like my scar is healingly. Just one more day and I can take all the bandaging off. I ended my day with night meds, strapping on my night splint and looking forward to a lazy Sunday.

More of my scar healing nicely

Sunday and I wake up after a disrupted night. It takes a while to settle when I am wearing my finger splint. I am hoping that it will become easier over the following five to six months that I have to wear it for. After taking my vitals I get up and then have breakfast with my partner. There then follows a lengthy period of clearing out my sofa side office area and then I moved onto junking all the out of date medications and reorganising the ones I need to keep. Its a sobering experience to find how much out of date and not wanted medication was lurking in draws and cabinets.

So having finished the clear out and the reclaiming of the lounge I set about organising the coming week’s menu, necessary job given that there is a lot disruption due to my partners retirement on Friday and a visit by our youngest grandchild and parents next weekend. With the logistics done and amendments made I watch the international rugby match of the day. With the game over it’s time to catch up on drafting the blog as the night darkness drops and the evening starts. I just want an early night so that I can get to tomorrow and get my hand free of bandage. It will feel a real landmark in my recovery and signal time the real start time to get going on my fitness recovery.

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Sushi on parade.

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