Monday, I wake and actually feel better so on this basis I choose that today is the day I need to get my arse in gear and make the effort to get active again. My first step is to check my vitals. To my relief they have returned to normal. In particular I am relieved that my heart rate has returned to normal. The first easy steps is to try and clear up the chaos I have created around me while languishing in bed with my sore throat.
So for a lot of the morning I beaver away putting various piles of clothes away and clearing away the debris of illness. This tidying also means integrating my Christmas presents into my wardrobe and library. I have been really fortunate in the books that I received, from the Swedish poets to biography and historical football.
Eventually I have every thing squirrelled away or tactically located, I hoping to get to sink into a bath but I have run up against the need to eat and to get the recycling bin out. Then there is preparing the fridge to receive the Tesco delivery which entails throwing out all the out of date food. I notice that I have a missed call and call back to find it is the secretary of the surgeon who is going to do my Dupuytrens contracture operation. There is an issue over where I elect to have my operation and price. I confirm the price quoted to me and my understanding that there will be a post operation Occupational Therapy cost. The secretary says that she will ask whether the hospital where the consultant is based will match the quoted price by the first hospital. So I now wait for the secretary to come back to me. So I find myself in a haggle, that’s a bit of a surprise. The Tesco delivery arrival interrupts me as I am cleaning the shower head, so there is a flurry of activity before I complete my shower head engineering.
I stop and settle down to listen to the Infinite Monkey Cage and I began to draft the blog. In no time I realise that the world has gone dark and I am slipping into the evening. So far the day has gone well in that I have not resorted to any other medication than my regular medications. It is true that by 5 0’clock I feel that I am close to running out of spoons. So my evening is likely to be a very sloth like one. It feels like I have pushed myself today, memo to self, “Pace yourself”.