Fight, and get on with it.

Saturday and I wake and get on with breakfast with my partner, the intention is to go to our local village craft market. I am expecting a 3P experience; Pick up, Put down and Piss off. So after breakfast my partner and I walk down to the village hall and start to pursue the stalls. To my surprise I found a woman who made miniatures from recycled materials. I could not resist adding to my collection neither could resist the tiny under glass constructions. The artist goes under the name of Khulelo.

Small world in a dome

The new addition to my miniature collection

Adalina is a real find I think

My partner also finds things and we the ideal Christmas present for our garden guy. By the time I’ve walked round the stalls I am overheated, sweating and need to sit down. The walk home is slow and as soon as I am home I strip off and rest to get cool. Once I have cooled down and and had a couple of restorative crumpets the next chore is to go to the supermarket and sort out the weekends food. I had an urge for Tizer but found none.

Once home the day descends into rugby, food and more rugby until Strictly in the evening. and night meds. While they kick in I draft the blog feeling with every moment that my energy spoons are going into deficit. I can do no more and head for bed.

“My North and South My East and West” W H Auden at his finest.