Fight, its just me and Rocket

Thursday and the first day of the week I can rest properly. As a result I rise late, do my vitals and make breakfast with my morning meds. My son messages me and asks if I am free for a chat so at the appointed time we have a long chat over WhatsApp about all sorts of family matters. Its a long and complex conversation but hopefully constructive. It neatly lead into a lunchtime bacon sandwich and some thinking time.

The Americans are ready to publish the latest collection and I was thinking about what I am going to do in the future. I think five collections in one year is quite enough and so I will have a break unless something comes along out of the blue to inspire me to publish anything else. I take a stroll over to the post office to send a letter and then return to spend time in my daily routine of doing the days crosswords. It was a good day, no Google required. As I finish reading the paper I become aware that an ambulance has parked across our drive and then I notice police cars arriving and more ambulances, the big type not the first responders. I go up stairs to get a better view, but I see my neighbour shepherding her son and scooter in home and then driving off somewhere. In the meantime police direct traffic, ambulance staff appear to load someone into the back of their ambulance and slowly all the emergency vehicles disappear and the village main road returns to its usual evening rush hour. So what actually happened to cause such a conglomeration of blue lights and uniformed folk is a mystery but I expect it will all be round the village in no time if not the local newspaper. After so much excitement I return to the sofa and start to draft the blog, feeling sluggish.

The evening feels like a challenge, I am not sure why but I need to find something to engage me, perhaps its lack of inspiration that is sapping me, although I have bought Nadiya’s latest cook book and made an attempt to plan next weeks menu to the extent of ordering some of the more niche ingredients in next weeks Tesco order. But for tonight I shall conjure up my baked egg tortillas once there has been a quick trip to the shop. This is all part of my trying to get engaged with cooking again and to tempt my appetite.

Nadiya’s new book, a mixed bag

The evening is tortilla filled followed by a lazy evening of TV and planning. From cars to pressure washers and fantasy private planes there is lots to consider. The evening ends as always with night meds and a sandwich to keep the dugs settled. Tonight is a super moon.

Its a Falconer’s moon tonight

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