Fight, and dance, its liberating.

Monday and I wake up after a good nights sleep and fairly soon I am up and getting ready to accompany my partner to the gym, she to do sensible exercise and me to have breakfast and sit in the lounge and write letters. On arrival I order a bottle of water and a bacon brioche bun to be told that they have run out of brioche buns, I can have sourdough bread toasted or not. I opt for sourdough untoasted with brown sauce on the bacon. When it arrived I discovered that I know sod all about sourdough bread. One I should have had it toasted and two I should have chosen something else altogether. My consider opinion is that sourdough bread is an aberration and a baking abomination. It is tasteless pap that is beyond bland and tasteless, it is a pointless food best suited to being used as blotting paper. I can’t believe it has become a “thing” amongst a certain group of people.

While a chewed my way through the sourdough wedge I wrote a letter on my laptop to a friend up north. While writing I also listened to another episode of Mark Steels In Town. So this is what I do until my partner reappears, showered and ready for lunch. We go off to one of our favourite garden centres that does the best food in their restaurant. On arrival we discover it is “Golden Monday” where anyone over 60 can get a cheap meal and as a consequence it is pact with people who look like they are on an outing from either A&E or the care home. My partner and I eat and before we leave I buy two camellias to finish off the garden master plan.

On returning home my partner goes off to the dentist and I finish my letters. There is of course a quick trip to the post office to send my letters and to pick up a paper and a box of Tunnock’s tea cakes. Back home I do the days cross words and then sort out some life admin like ordering my usual monthly drugs. With the return of my partner and the evening coming we dine and my partner then goes off to do her singing lesson while draft the blog. I have Mark Steels in Town in my earbuds as I draft the blog nibbling a Tunnock’s tea cake. With this done I take to Amazon and order the goods I need to undertake phase one of project 2 in the garden, so by the end of the week I will ready to go, the only the weather is likely to throw a spanner in the works. This strategy means that I can devote tomorrow to training and further letter writing. While I draft the log I get a message from m y friend who is still recovering from long COVID to say she has caught COVID again, it is such rotten luck. So the evening will pass to the point where I take my meds and go to bed hopping for another good nights sleep. Tomorrows excitement will be the Tesco delivery, which I must remember to update before going to bed.

Nurture starts with the basics

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