Fight and probe for any advantage!

Tuesday and I am woken by my partner going to work. I take my vitals, could be better but they will do. I have a plan today so I get up and get ready to go to the village café. The village pub has opened its own café and offers soft seats, a menu and toilets, where as the village café, has no toilet (less than ten seats), I bit of paper at the counter as a menu and only takes cash. However its breakfast has everything and in particular white bread toast loaded with butter, and you get two, at least of everything. My plan is to eat well today as tomorrow I cannot eat before my radioactive scan. On my way I buy a paper and arrive at the café as the only person in there. I order, grab a bottle of water from the fridge and take possession of the window seat that gives me prime viewing of the village mini roundabout, a centre of excitement when big lorries realise they have come the wring way. I set about the crosswords as my breakfast is being engineered behind the scenes.

Breakfast is delicious and a luxury as there is no cooking or washing up involved. So I have a happy and contented time devouring breakfast and finishing the crosswords, all for less then £7! Another bloke comes in and chats to the waitress/cook about the pubs he has been to recently. As part of keeping himself engaged and getting out and about he he takes himself of to different pubs. He knew the price of every pint in al the pubs. He chatted about ones he found on Saturday night with only six people in it adn how some made him uncomfortable but his favourites were the ones with free live music and reasonable beer prices. I admired his getting out there and would consider it if I was a drinker.

I left and came home where I watched Kier Starmer’s conference speech. it was okay, suitably Labour and straight forward. I could not help thinking that that the row of women cabinet ministers that the cameras kept going to were all thinking the same thing, “me next”. Rachel Reeves and Angela Rayner looking particularly hungry, but it would seem there is a real girls club. I noticed how often in the interviews how often they references each other but not their male colleagues, interesting.

With the politics over I set about clearing the kitchen and then drove to the garage to check my tyres adn to fit my new magic dust caps that tell me if am loosing pressure out of them. A dash of petrol in the tank and then I am back home. I spend time mending the garden swing seat before popping on its new winter rain cover. With that chore done I cover the wooden garden seat and pop the cover over the new sunshade. There is more rain on the way so getting things away and under cover seemed a sensible thing to do. I put the bins out and then start to draft the blog. Tonight is the start of the Great British Bake Off so I expect I will be watching that as the Tesco order arrives bring with it the lemon drizzle cake I slipped into the order. There are times when I just fancy cake.

Tomorrow is an important day. I go for the irradiated scan of my heart to see if there is anything wrong with it physically. I cannot eat before hand and must not have caffeine of any kind, that why I have been drinking water for the last four days. It means spending at least three of four hours at the nuclear medicine department, so a book is essential. Once I am out of there its a Red Bull and a Snickers for me. However it is also important as it is the day I have agreed to start taking my cancer pills again. This means a renaming of the blog phase and more importantly I am likely to start experiencing more pronounced symptoms of fatigue. I really must try to keep training, but it could be a challenge. The aim is to see a reduction in my PSA by the 16th of October at my next oncology review, or at least the 12th when my bloods are being done.

Its all about heart

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