Fight, quirky and odd.

Monday and I wake up early after a reasonable nights sleep, but for some reason I cannot get back to sleep even though I feel tired. I get up and read more of Kate Wilson’s Prospects before making breakfast and take my meds with a coffee. My partner gets up and we spend our mornings organising, cleaning and doing washing. There are things to organise like a visit to the dentist. I have lost a filling but because I have been preoccupied with my other woes I have not got round to getting an appointment. The practice answers my call promptly and to my amazement offer me an appointment tomorrow morning! Now there is a result! I will have to give my teeth a special scrub tonight and in the morning.

My partner takes me for lunch to our favourite garden centre. Its a quiet little place and suits me. I’m already tired so my partner and I are quiet but it is good to get out for the first time since I came back from my TWOC (Trial Without Catheter). On returning home I set about clearing out the draws of the two welsh dressers that are in our dining area. They are full of old Christmas cracker games and debris that has shoved in to them along with tea towels and aprons. It takes a while because there are always those tricky “should I or shouldn’t I ” throw stuff away. Eventually I end up with a bag of stuff for the dustbin. With that done I get a call from the company that service our boiler confirming that they can come tomorrow afternoon to do the work. So I have gone from having a free to having a full day of maintenance toped off with a Tesco order. By the end of the afternoon I am almost out of energy so I change for the evening and eat tea.

The evening I am hoping for is a binge watch of the Turkish Detective and an early night now that I have a busy day tomorrow. My anxiety is that I won’t sleep but that’s a bridge to be crossed if I get there.

The ocean calls