Fight, persevere and win.

Thursday and I wake to my partner going out to work and the builder badgers arriving. I do a quick check of my messages, take my vitals (all good) and get up. I make the badgers coffee and then have breakfast. My COVID jab arm is aching a bit but more worryingly it feels a bit like I am getting another Uluru (ladder stone) attack, so I retreat to the sofa, sip water and then settle into editing the two final drafts of my next two collections, The Cancer Years: Some Rough Stuff (TCY:SRS) and Herod’s Children Crumulent Collection (HCCC). This is a real challenge to me especially when I am feeling a bit off. I can only concentrate for a relatively short period of time and every so often my dyslexia sticks it or in and I spend ages Googling spellings or meanings. The morning is taken up with this effort until lunchtime comes around. Meanwhile the badgers are busy laying the front drive. They are making good progress and by two o’clock they have a section laid and I have to say its looking good.

The Badgers making progress.

After my lunch I decide I need to do something active so I rebuild the water terrace with the replacement parts that have arrived. Its a bit like a giant jigsaw but it soon comes together. I remove the temporary down pipe that I had rigged up, so the builder badgers and the electrician can get on put the finishing touches to the patio.

The Water Terrace is now reinstated.

It takes a load of my days spoons (energy) to do the water terrace so I go back to the editing of the collections, which I manage to finish and get sent off to the Americans. Nothing left to do than relax and start to draft the blog, while the badgers continue to prepare the rest of the drive area ready for block paving. I indulge in fruit cake as I draft the blog and watch the badgers lay more of the block paving. It feels like this is a day of movement.

The evening comes around and I get my weekly wash done while my partner has her singing lesson and then there is time for a couple of S.W.A.T episodes to watch. I down my night meds and prepare for bed. Tomorrow I have a chiropody appointment so with luck I will have a moment of luxury and my feet will sing happily.

There is hanging on and then there is hanging on.