Fight, but remember to eat.

Its a Sunday so I am up first to make the warm bedtime drinks before I and my partner get up for the day. Its one of those bright skies and heavy rain fall days, and odd sort of weather combo. After our Sunday chat I get up to check that the temporary down pipe is still working and to have breakfast. To my relief all is working well and after breakfast I start to get on with some admin. The water terrace collapsed after the builder badgers put it back in the wrong order so I have ordered parts to upgrade it, once they arrive I will have another go. There are birthday things to send and mop wipes to find and buy, the life of a putterer is ever busy. With that do and my partner at the gym I start to draft the blog and indulge I a Betty’s fondant fancy.

All of this is against the background of my youngest grandson still being in hospital and on oxygen. The hope is he gets move to the ward today and improves enough to go home tomorrow. It is an anxious time for everyone, especially the parents. I sit and think of them and think about what I and m partner can to do be helpful, its not easy being at a distance, perhaps this is one of the trickier bits of being a grandparent.

My partner goes to the gym and I do very little as I feel listless. There is the French open tennis to watch but I get bored and instead turn to Shaun the Sheep and the film Farmageden. My partner returns from the gym to finds me watching the sheep film. By the time the film ends I am itchy of mind and body so I decide to cook tea and set to preparing salmon with herbs from the garden. Just as I’ve got everything on the go my partner comes in with a face to face call with my youngets daughter and to my surprise and delight there is my youngest grandson safe and sound at home. He is looking wriggly and active, like his usual self. It is a great relief to see him home and looking as good as he does, this alone make this a very good day. My partner and I chat to our youngest daughter and wave and chat to our youngest grandson. After the call we eat the tea I’ve cooked and then get on with the evening.

There is very little to watch on TV so I start to draft the blog and then seek a film or a book to read before it is time for my meds and another attempt to sleep. When all is said and done the return home of my youngest grandson is the best possible thing to have happened , just the best.

Sometimes you get to see the rainbows.