Fight, over and over

Saturday, I am up earl to shower, eat and take my antibiotics. I check my messages and then I print out the last remaining poem for the afternoon Stanza meeting. I spend all morning editing the draft of my next poetry collection, interrupted by my bladder stone (Uluru) from time to time. Gradually my hematuria appears to ease. My afternoon is spent at the poetry stanza, a zoom event today. Again this is interrupted by Uluru. This current bout of discomfort is debilitating and I find myself running out of energy quickly. There was lots for me to think about in the Stanza meeting, I had not thought about how my poetry might effect others but today I was confronted with the fact that some of my stuff has influenced at least one person to write a particular poem with some difficult content. The evening was just an evening to get through, all I could manage was this brief blog and taking my night meds. I’d give anything for a night of straight eight hours sleep. When I get this fatigued from my body attacking me I get vulnerable and distressed, which I deal with by withdrawing into myself, the Chinese box.

In the rolling deep I find comfort.