Friday and last night I slept in the spare bed as I fought off a Bladder Stone attack. Uluru has come out to play. For those new to this page, Uluru is the name I have given my bladder stone. Bizarrely I thought I was alright in the morning, at least well enough to re-park the cars off the drive in anticipation of the builder badgers arriving. However I soon found I was passing blood again as the pain was back and it was very noticeable. I take co-codamol and ring the doctor. No I am not well enough to come to the surgery, yes I can get a urine sample to you, yes I will take a telephone call this afternoon, and so it is done. After a while I take a urine sample and it is very red with blood. My partner immediately takes it to the surgery and in a few minutes I get a call to say the doctor will ring me in the next few minutes. In the meantime I go to the toilet again and this time its even bloodier. I start to draft the blog while I wait, I think this might be a long day one way or another. At least the builder badgers have started to lay the patio slabs.
Never rains but it pours, my son messages me to say Swedish immigration has rejected his residency application. That’s what Brexit has done for my family! All this while I wait for the GP to ring me.
By lunch time and early afternoon I am still waiting to hear from the doctor. Uluru continues to make itself know as there is no diminution of the hematuria but a little less pain, so there is something to be thankful for. The last time I went through one of these Uluru attacks it took ten hour before the blood stopped appearing and by the look of things it’s going to be at least that long this time around. So I continue to rest, drink hot water and keep myself amused by checking and sending emails and drafting the blog. The builder badgers are cracking on and slowly the new patio is being paved. Every so often I get the urge to nap but I am afraid I will miss the doctor’s call and/or worryingly just slip into a deep sleep or coma.
The GP rings. Its all a bit predictable, as I thought I am prescribed antibiotics as I am a high risk person. We agree that stopping the blood thinner for three days is good and that if my hematuria continues into Monday or Tuesday I need to go back to the doctor. If I get fevourish I need to get seen. The antibiotics are prescribed and sent to the village pharmacy to be collected in two hours. My partner goes down a bit early and picks them up for me. While she is doing that I fill my drugs wallets for the next two weeks, omitting the blood thinners for the next three days. On my partners return she cooks me filled past as I cannot take the antibiotics on an empty stomach. I eat quickly and get my first does down me. All during this my bladder takes me to the toilet regularly and continues to show hematuria and provide some discomfort.
As early evening arrives I return to the blog and draft some more. My evening is predestined to be one of constant water drinking and some TV before taking my night meds and trying to get a nights sleep. I feel exhausted, it is really debilitating to experience the hematuria and the pain every time I go to the toilet, so I keep reminding myself that this to will pass. Tomorrow is a poetry stanza meeting over zoom, I’m hoping to be mended enough to attend.