Sunday, a sunny Sunday so after checking my vitals, all okay, and having breakfast with my partner, taking my meds, I get some washing in and then tidy up my wardrobe. I head for the garden to sit on the swing seat and just watch my garden. After a while I am joined by my partner who sits with me and we chat and sit until lunchtime comes around. We return to the swing seat to eat lunch and chat some more. There is a period of reading and putting mire washing out and clearing the washing line as the sun dries one load after another. Around us the garden continues to flower.
After a while I watch part of the women’s FA cup. A step backwards really but sometimes that happens. Tea time arrives and of course being Sunday there is Country file to watch and this week is a special, mental health and suicide in the country side. Well that’s cheery. My partner lasts the first award of the Television BAFTAs, some one I’ve never seen who just fragments on stage in a nauseating display of surprise. As a result we end up with the excitement of picking something to watch as an alternative. I draft the blog to the background of what ever it is before a coffee and posh biscuits.
I’m sure the evening will go well and end up with me downing my meds and going to bed hoping for good weather for the builder badgers to continue their work.