Fight, yes fight is the right thing to do.

Thursday arrives and I am awake relatively early as today is going to be a bit of a challenge. I quickly go thorough my usual morning cyber checks and messaging before taking my vitals. Then it up for a shower. Before I do I pop onto Amazon and buy a shower cap, yep that’s right, a shower cap. Its having a shower with long hair that then needs drying that takes the energy, if I can shower more often without the hair components then I can shower more often more efficiently. Today I just put my hair up. After my shower I have a quick breakfast and take my morning meds before getting ready to be picked up by a friend to go for coffee.

My friend arrives and drives me to a nearby garden centre where we grab a sofa and settle in with drinks and a toasted tea cake. We talk about how things are for us and quite a lot about how I am responding to my cancer. This is the friend who sends me books and part way through our conversation she gives me another book. She knows I love Japanese writers so I am not surprised to find this one is by Hiro Arikawa and also about a cat, a common vehicle in Japanese literature.

My latest book gift.

My friend and I continue to chat and I give her a copy of my collection of poetry. We have a bite to eat and continue to chat until its time for me to go. Its been a lovely morning with the chance to chat to with someone who knows me and can ask the tricky questions. My friend drives me home and I rest for a while and download the poems for this Saturdays poetry stanza meeting. Mid afternoon drive my eldest daughter to the physio at the village sports club. She is becoming very proficient on her crutches. I park in a disabled bay and then accompany her up to the physiotherapy room, so while she is in with the physio I read. Things seem to go well and on the way home we stop off at the chemist to see if the new prescription for pain killers has come through. It appears tomorrow morning is the earliest that we can get them. I drive on to the post office where I send another friends birthday card and buy a paper. Once home my eldest daughter settles down and I head for my end of the sofa where I do todays crosswords. I get stumped by the word pizzazz, I know the word but as a dyslexic I stand no chance with a word with four z’s in it.

The evening arrives and there are messages to respond to but I basically eat tea, watch football while my partner has her weekly swimming lesson. I get bored with the football and start to draft the blog knowing that later on I will need to sit with my partner and prepare a “to do” list for the visit of my youngest daughter, partner and our grandson. Its going to be a challenging weekend in terms of spoon management and ensuring that everything goes as smoothly as possible. There is a theatre trip to do tomorrow evening, a trip out and a poetry stanza to attend along with family meals. I am hoping to do as much as I can so tonight’s preparation is important.

I know that the weekend will be spoon heavy so tonight I shall take my night meds early and go to bed. Before I went out today I took a couple of paracetamol, just in case and it seemed to help. I managed today without ill effects so I am hoping I can do the same tomorrow as long as I pace myself and I am kind to myself.

The lightest of touches keeps us balanced.