Wednesday and I wake early, watch a Mock the Week compilation of “Scenes we would like to see”. It amuses me to be amused first thing in the morning. I do my cyber checks and then measure my vitals before finally dragging myself out of bed for a toast breakfast.
This is not just another Wednesday, this is the start of cycle 9 Wednesday. Its the cycle that will include an oncology review and the decision as to whether or not I go on getting the chemo. As my arithmetic is good, my bloods good, my vitals good, in particular my blood pressure, I am expecting that “he who made a pact with the devil” will sign me up for another 3 cycles. This would take me to May/June time. The only fly in the ointment is how my bone scan goes tomorrow. No way of knowing how that will turn out, its just a case of keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best. So today I will check the car before going to the hospital tomorrow, trying to train and having a healthy day.
I find my way to the Shed and settle in and organise my new wax cauldron for sealing my letters. I light my candles and set the heater to on. My dipping pens and ink wells are clogged so I return to using an old style fountain pen. As the morning goes on I write letters of increasing unpredictability. I keep writing till mid afternoon when I stop for soup, but not before I see a short video of my new grandson eating solids for the first time. Carrots, the dish of choice, which he appears to have enjoyed. I have a bout of not feeling well and checked my vitals. Everything is good except my heart rate which is elevated so I have a burst of meditation music and give myself twenty minutes to recover. What this tells me is that it is most likely to be anxiety that has caused the rise. After a bit of a rest I go to the post office and post my letters, buy a paper and a bag of M&M peanuts to boost my blood sugar. Once home I get to work on the crosswords and get through them in good time. I am watching the COVID enquiry when my partner returns from seeing her mother.
The evening arrives, there is nothing from the Americans about my book, so I start to draft the blog and check the arrangements for tomorrows scan. Its one of those where they pump me full of radioactive stuff then send me away for a couple of hours before I return to be scanned. I guess it will be okay, I’ve done them before so I’m hoping my experience will take me through. I am also waiting to hear from our builder who is going to do work on the back and front gardens. But builders tend to get distracted, so I guess I will need to nudge him. I shall take this evening slowly and aim for an early night to build up my store of energy spoons. My day has not turned out how I thought but adaption and creativity has got me through.