That time in the cycle again. First of five.

Up early for the first stab of this cycle and then straight out to drive to a therapeutic community accreditation visit. Forgot my morning drugs, obviously some anxiety around. I had an excellent day being in the midst of a group of like minded people trying their best to understand and communicate to make the changes they wanted with the help of each other. I am not going to say any more about the day as I have the task of writing about them in detail in my report and its right that what needs to be written is written in the report, not on a blog. All I will say is that every time I step into a therapeutic community I know I made the right career choice to be involved with them.

I return home very tired, weary and hungry and settle down to cook and watch football to turn off for a little while. The nice surprise is that my copy of Sartre’s Being and Nothingness has arrived. It will join my growing pile of books waiting to be read. A reminder that I need to find some down time to read and write some more. I’m tempted to start before I go to bed but know this book deserves more, so I shall wait. Tomorrow perhaps. It seems everyone I talk to is feeling tired and in need of rest. Is it Christmas or just one of those moments in life when the world seems to be more demanding than usual?

A waiting pleasure.