CHEMO II DAYS 176 & 177

Fight, and laugh and fight again.

Saturday, yesterday now and already becoming a blur. Age or medication, I’ve no idea. I do remember taking, my partner to the coffee shop at a garden center in the afternoon to get a break and have a chance to chat and plan. I also recall paying the tree people for their work and then spending a lot of time on the internet giving my credit card a thorough work out for Christmas. In the evening my eldest daughter took me for my birthday treat, we went to see Dave Gorman at De Montfort Hall.

It was an excellent evening, we were right up the front of the flat stalls and had an excellent view of him at work. His brand of humour is unique and unusual in the way it uses what is available on the internet and in the media generally. A lot of laughter, maltezers and ice cream later we drove home. The only thing that marred the evening was the drive there. My favourite into town route was suddenly barred by cones and meant finding another way to the venue, which was a pain in the arse but we still go the venue with time enough to do battle with the parking ticket machine that refused to coins despite having a slot to do so. Once home I took my night meds and opened up the laptop to draft the blog but was just too tired, I did not have the spoons for it so went to bed.

Saturday I wake and have a coffee to get going when my partner asks why the shower down stairs is not running hot. I investigate, I test, I concluded, the hot water valve on the mixer bar is fucked. So I text and ring our local plumber, no response of course because its Saturday and he is semi retired, this does not however stop him putting “emergency and maintenance plumping ” on his business card. I guess emergencies are all relative depending on day of week and weather conditions. So on a rainy Saturday a broken non life threatening broken shower value is probably not worth the effort.

It looks like it it should be so simple to do but experience tells me it is beyond me.

I eat breakfast, take my meds and then start to draft the blog, catching up on yesterday. A friend sends a link to a tracker App, which means I can watch his progress on his journey up from Plymouth to the venue for our meal later. I’ve not seen this before and I am fascinated by it as I zoom in and out to him zipping along the M5. This is a great App and will get him to show me how it works when he arrives. Strikes me as a really useful thing to know how to do.

My dinner with friends it a delight and it is really good to see them. I drive home to an evening of Strictly and Crossing the Lines, before I down my night meds and go to bed. Its been a good day but one that has drained me of spoons. I’m too tired to do anything else to the blog, it will have to be enough.

Sometimes tiredness just makes me mute