Fight, no matter the odds fight.

Sunday I wake up and of course weigh myself. To my great surprise I once again weigh in at 97.3 kilos, that the third week in a row that this has happened. So I have a stable weigh at the moment for which I am thankful. My partner brings me a coffee and tells me that the carer who broke her ankle is being discharged from hospital this morning. So the day starts with finishing off the preparations for her to stay. At the same time I switch the temperamental boiler on to get the house up to the right heat. There are still some small things to do to make sure our house guest will be comfortable. Alongside this is the need to repark the cars and clear the pathway so that people can get in and out. My partner adn I have just finished our chores and sat down to a coffee when the ambulance arrives with our house guest on board. She is accompanied by two crew who clearly have a great deal of experience in moving people in and out of houses. They take one look at our front porch and know they will need the lifting chair.

After a careful and well choreographed entrance we are able to get our guest into one of the recliners and settled in. We chat for a while and then move what needs moving to her room. After feeding her healing scrambled eggs and toast my partner and I go to the garden centre to top our fruit and veg supplies along with a visit to the in house butcher. While there we take a pause and think through some of the things we need to be doing and what our options are. We do this over warm drinks and a scone until we think we have a some options sorted out. With that done we peruse the artificial Christmas tree options. My partner has been very clear that we were not ordering off the internet if we had not seen the tree in the bark, so to speak. There were a large selection of artificial trees, some with snow, some with lights, some with stands, some with out. We took our time as we weigh the options. Firstly we decided on the quality and type of foliage. Of course we knew the height required as we had premeasured. With those decide it was a case of selecting shape and density of the tree. Finally we made our choice, and of course being us we picked quality and the price that went with it. My partner and I loaded it onto a trolley and wheeled it to the checkout, where we found someone to help take it outside to load into the car. I had hoped that it would go across the back seat. No such luck. So finally we manage, in the rain, to get the seats down flat and the box in. We drive home in the rain and leave unloading the tree until we can do it in the dry.

I settle down in the lounge with our quest and chat for a while until I sort out another heater to make sure everyone is able to be warm all the time. My partner cooks us all tea and then its time to get or house guest upstairs to her room and settled in. I clear the kitchen and then catch the tail end of Strictly not being a results show due to one of the contestants being dropped by the professionals in rehearsals and breaking his rib.

The evening drift into TV and eventually evening meds and bed. Tomorrow is going to be full on, as the tree folk are coming to do their work, the boiler man will arrive in the afternoon and I’ve just noticed a kitchen strip light is not functioning. Some where in there Tesco will deliver and we will all begin to getting used to a new household for a couple of weeks. Big day tomorrow.