Fight, just get on with it and fight.

Monday and I wake up once again in the spare room and tentatively check how I am. I think I am getting better. My partner brings me coffee and toast and I ease myself into the day. I take my morning meds and then I start to write letters on my laptop. Its too soon to go to the Shed to write letters. I have a morning Lemsip and then start to get myself ready to drive my partner to her afternoon hospital appointment. Before we go we have bacon sandwiches.

I am not sure how I feel as I get ready to drive but once I get settled behind the wheel I am okay. We arrive at the community care centre and wait in the reception area. My partner gets called and Listen to another episode of the Infinite Monkey Cage. My partner soon returns and I drive us home. The letters I wrote this morning need printing off before I am able to get to the post office to send them. When I do get there the post box is nearly full. At this time of year the small box tends to get fully stuffed. I go home and complete the contents page for a poetry collection and I also edit the bio and the dedication. Tea time rolls round and its time for another Lemsip.

The evening is all TV before I take my evening meds and wash them down with my final Lemsip of the day. I am taking myself out of quarantine tonight so I shall abandon the spare room. I hope I have made the right decision but already I have a growing to do list waiting for me. Today has been a minimal day but my energy reserves have all gone. I need to pace myself to recover properly.

Time to relax