Fight with everything and then some.

Thursday, I wake to my partner going off to work to Real World work that includes driving and face to face meeting. I get up slowly feeling washed out and dress before having a simple breakfast and taking my morning meds. Its taking a while to get going today and I wonder if my trip to York has taken more spoons than I realised. My overwhelming feeling is that of being cold so I check the heating and find it is not on. I immediately turn it on as I hear in the background that the fuel companies are raising their prices by 5% in January. This against the background of the Chancellor pretending that his Autumn statement was making people better off, as it turns out all the think tanks suggest he is not telling it how it actually is. Its all spin for an election, I guess we will find out how gullible the British public is when the time comes.

I start to work on my poetry collections with a view of getting them ready to publish. It is a tedious process as I literally go over them word by word, punctuation by punctuation, In the process I begin to doubt myself about what I have written and he format. I change some things adn not others. I take a break for lunch time soup and then plough on. There is a short time out as I draft instructions for the solicitors to be signed by my eldest daughter in due course once the solicitors send us an authorisation form. With that done I return to the poetry. In the process I discover how to take a screen shot with buttons I did not know I had on the key board, live and learn eh!

They call my poetry
No flesh
No story.
I open my eyes
There is light
And wonder,
this is enough

Eventually I am down to writing the bio that I assume they will want for the book and a dedication. I cannot face doing a contents list so decide to email the Amazon publishing guy to see if I have to do it or if they will. I suspect they will do as little as possible and I will have to flog my way through making one for inclusion. I remain cold but clear the kitchen, empty bins and put out the recycling before making the effort to take my vitals. I had spent part of the morning updating my Excel spread sheet for my vitals so I know that overall they are remaining stable in the face of the chemo.

Tomorrow I am having bloods taken to monitor the effectiveness or not of the current chemo controlling my PSA levels. These will form the basis of my oncology review on the 30th of November. So tonight I shall be drinking a lot of water to ensure that I am hydrated as this affects my platelet levels. Its all part of giving myself the best shot at getting the arithmetic right. I’ve not trained today as frankly I could not face it. My partner returns from a long day at work and cooks tea. Its unclear if she is doing her singing lesson tonight, all I want to do is be warm and get a good nights sleep. I feel I am slipping down in energy and note that the weather folk are predicting snow soon. I am not amused. The evening arrives and I do my best to settle down and feel warm before taking my night meds and getting to my bed. Of course there is a lot of water to be drunk before the morning comes around and I trot down to the GP surgery.

There is always bright flight and the ocean.