Fight, on the road, home and asleep.

Wednesday and I wake up in the hotel bed and get myself into the shower to get my day started. I get packed up, take my meds before heading to the restaurant. On the way the plan is to put on bag into the boot of the car but the boot wont open. My electronic key will not work so I take out the hard key and open the car to be met by the alarm going off. The car will not start. Not until I press the alarm off part of the key fob does it stop. I tentatively try opening the car using the keyless method and it opens. I retreat to the restaurant and ponder my options of what to do about my key fob. Breakfast over I return to the room and take my key fob apart and note the battery type in the fob. I reassemble the fob, gather up my belongings and go to reception to check out. Fortunately when I get to the car it opens via the fob. I drive to the local Tesco store and buy batteries for the key fob and a plant for the friend I am going to see.

Feeling confident I return to my car but find my car will not respond to the key fob. I mutter unkind words and set about changing the battery in the key fob hoping that this is what is wrong. The moment of truth arrives. Ta Da! the car opens and I am able to get on my way having stored spare key fob batteries in the glove box and in my traveling office back pack. I arrive at my friends only marginally after the agreed time and I am met by my friends old dog a new one that I do not recognise. It turns out Daisy, the new dog has found its way to the family via various foster families. My friend makes me coffee and we begin to catch up and talk about life and the things going on. Its very helpful to talk to someone outside the immediate family to get asked questions to make mem think and to explore what is going on and why it is going on. Time flies by and it is all good time, I leave feeling its been useful in the here and now but also that it will be useful in the future as I have time to process the conversation.

I drive to another friends house to visit over lunchtime before heading for home. I am kindly fed bacon rolls and there is time to chat some more before she has to prepare for work in the afternoon. I am mildly wired as I realise that I have been drinking caffeinated coffee after a long period of drinking decaf coffee. I drive to the motorway and set off south, I realise as I am driving that my eyes need to be tested as I can see better without my glasses than with. As time goes on it gets darker and I think it is going to rain until it dawns on me that the darkness is night drawing on. I had forgotten that the night now draws on early in the day. My drive home was slower than usual.

I get home just before my partner returns from seeing her mother. I am tired and my partner and I settle on fish and chips for tea. I catch up with the last two days crosswords and move on to an evening of TV wall paper. Eventually I draft the blog and take my night meds. Thankfully I have a free day tomorrow to reflect and to rest.