Fight, where and when you can.

Tuesday and I wake in the hotel bed and go through my routine of email, message and cyber litter checks. I go down to breakfast and find all I want is grapefruit and toast. I start to prepare my Christmas lists and do some Christmas research, I also finish reading Tom’s Midnight Garden. I take a trip to the local Tesco and use the cash machine adn pick up some odds and ends. Just before lunch time I drive to my friends house and have lunch with her. We have time for soup and a chat before she has to go back to work and I wander off to York. I am feeling quite spoonless so return to the hotel and continue to do Christmas research.

I find the COVID enquiry is on and its Prof Whitty’s turn, its a fascinating watch. He is clearly a bright bunny and is very good at being clear about what he is saying and explaining why he did what he did and who was responsible for what. Tea time comes around and I head for the restaurant knowing exactly what I want. So a pepperoni pizza and strawberry ice cream later I am back in my room in time to watch The Great British Bake Off. It turns out that this year the final is going to be all male, an unusual outcome.

I set about drafting the blog before I take my night meds, pack what I can and settle into bed for an early night. Tomorrow I see my mentor.