Fight, fight for fun before you cannot.

Thursday and I wake to a quiet house as my partner has gone to work, real work not a trot downstairs to the office. I am tentative about getting up so spend a bit of time reading Wild Swans and dealing with my cyber litter, messages and emails. By the time I am up I am hungry and make egg and soldiers before sorting the post and tidying up. In the post is a new book from my brain feeding friend and it is one I have not read. I am tempted to start reading it straight away but hold of, as I know I need to make the effort to train.

My new brain feed book

I am not feeling particularly good as I take my vitals but they seem to be okay so I change into my training gear and head to the garage. Its the coldest its been so far this year.


The session I decide will be 30 minutes as I am not sure how much energy I have to spend and I am aware that I am going out tonight. I strap in to the rower and set off not feeling particularly confident that I will reach my normal standards, but I do get into to a groove and make headway. By the end of the session I am over 6 Kilometres and have burnt over 400 calories, so I am pleased and mildly surprised.

Distance and calories okay, shame I did not make 1000 strokes.

As is my usual habit I record my session in my food, meds and training journal and then go and take my vitals again. They are okay but my heart rate is a bit elevated. As I am going out in the evening I decide to have a bath and hope it eases off the last of the soreness from Mondays injection. Once my bath bomb bath is ready I ease myself in and start to read Tom’s Midnight Garden. From the start I find it quite a disturbing book adn it is partly because I’ve been listening to the Infinite Monkey Cage where the idea of Block Time keeps being discussed. It’s the idea that all things have happened, past and future, but for some reason humans can only access the past. It is a matter of debate. However it becomes clear very soon that Tom’s Midnight Garden has an strong element of this idea in it. I am eager to read more but my bath gets cold and I slither out into warm towels.

I get tarted up to go out, trimmed beard and deodorant and of course dressed. By now I am hungry again and have a sandwich and drink and discover I have some more emails to deal with. There is time to snatch a few more pages of the new book before its tie to start to prepare tea in anticipation of my partner retuning from work. Just as I get the sauce underway my partner returns and so I crack on making our pasta meal. Its not long before we are on our way to the De Montfort Hall to see Fascinating Aida. We arrive in plenty of time and park in the venues car park and indulge in a pre hoe coffee and twix. There is time for the usual pre-emptive activity piss and then we are in the auditorium seated in our favourite row, which is the front row of the upper circle as it has huge leg room. Fascinating Aida are jut brilliant. If you haven’t seen them do so if you get a chance. Not for the feint hearted or Tory but both funny and touching. There is half time ice cream and then more excellent entertainment from them. Below is the trailer for the show we saw tonight.

We drive home after the show and I draft the blog having taken my night meds. I go to bed having spent all my spoons for the day but glad I made the effort on all fronts today

Same moon but always different, how is this possible, a trick of the light or of the mind?