CHEMO II DAYS 149 & 150

Fight, all the way.

Saturday and a good as my new grandson arrives with his parents. My partner has gone off to have her hair done and I have a list of food to buy from the local garden centre. So having done my early morning cyber litter checks and viewed messages I get up, take my meds and drive off to shop. I a have not been back long when my youngest daughter arrives with her son and partner. He is a delight and such a contented young person. The family sits down to lunch and of course play with the new grandson. It is an easy afternoon of relaxing and catching up with, of course, the new family member at the heart of everything. The family sit down to a roast dinner and pudding before settling down to watch Strictly together. Of course the newest family member and is parents drift off to bed relatively early and others duly follow leaving me to watch football highlights and finally set Daisy dishwasher going and down my meds before going to bed. Its been a good family day.

Sunday I wake early and find the family up and about and we are soon gathered around the table having breakfast. My day starts with paracetamol added to my usual morning meds in preparation for tomorrow’s 28 day injection. The morning is spent playing with the young grandson and chatting to the parents. He is an extremely calm and chatty young baby and clearly very interested in his environment and instigates interaction a great deal. At lunchtime they pack all the gadgetry they travel with leave for home home. Its been lovely to see them and I look forward to Christmas and the experience of seeing the new boy experience his first Christmas tree.

I settle down to start the blog and then I watch a rugby match. My partner gets a telephone call to say her mother has been taken to hospital for her bloods to be checked. There follows a long period of waiting and conversations with the carer with my partners mother. Not until 7:30 pm does she see a doctor and we have a conversation with the doctor about whether she is going to stay in or not.

It is a long evening as we wait to know for sure whether my partners mother is being sent home. I watch TV and draft the blog as we wait. It is a long evening. Tomorrow I am up early as it is injection Monday. Not my favourite day of the month so I eat chocolate, drink diet coke and wait to see how this day ends.

From here to always.