CHEMO II DAYS 135, 136, & 137

Fight, just grind it out.

Saturday and Sunday are spent with my youngest daughter and Dangerous Beans my new grandson. It is a weekend that is of course baby centred, but it is a delight. This new baby is a very content little person and sleeps extremely peacefully. So the family lazes and rests for two days. Saturday is a full moon. I always feel I should make more of an effort to take notice of it.

Amazing, it makes the tides flow.

Sunday is a lazy day, where we catch up and wait for my youngest daughters partner to return from his brothers break away. Its good to be able to rest ahead of the drive back and to agree a time to see each other again before Christmas. The clocks have gone back and soon it will be dark by five o’clock in the evening, so it makes me aware of how the year has moved on and how much there is now to organise for the winter season.

In the early afternoon we set off for home and drive the slower way home. Once home I unpack and settle down for the evening, caching up with Strictly and Lupin. I check the post and find two post cards from friends who have been on their travels, one excitingly from a trip to the Hadron Collider at CERN. My driving and weekend catch up with me over the evening and I tire quickly. I take my meds and go to bed.

Monday and I wake to my usual routine of checking my messages and cyber litter but there is nothing of any import there that needs my attention. I make breakfast and make a to do list for the day. There is yet more life admin to do around my sisters estate, a bathroom light needs mending, which means a trip to the loft. The blog needs a catch up, which is started early. I find my motivation to write the blog is waning , whether this is part of my meds side effects, or a sense of lack of energy, I’m not sure but its important to keep going and remember the original reason I set the blog up.

By mid afternoon all my things to do are done. Lunch has been taken and the daily crossword puzzles completed, but with a struggle, I do not feel particularly chipper today. I briefly return to the blog before refilling the bird and squirrel feeders. I am beginning to come down with a cold and know that in a couple of days time the forecast is for a lot of rain and wind. I still have some of my; The Good Place and Philosophy book to finish so I am hoping to read my way through the inclement weather when it arrives. I see the bright sunshine in the garden and I know I should be taking advantage of it before the storms arrive but today is one of those days where I feel without energy to do much at all. I’m aware that I am coming to the end of cycle 5 of my chemo and that I have bloods to do on Friday. It feels like there is a limit to how much “stuff” I can keep pushing into my body, however the blood results will tell me if it has been worth it these past couple of months. If it has been then I will push on with cycle six and my oncology review on November the 30th.

My evening goes smoothly, Tesco deliver just after I have eaten and then I get myself sofa’d with a brandy and watch TV. Its quiz night and I marvel at others knowledge and occasionally give a whoop of joy and surprise when I get a question right. Just occasionally I get a run of two or three mainly because some of the obscure bits of random information that I’ve collected over the years have their moment of use. The news is miserable, so I take my night time meds and take myself to bed. Tomorrow is a day that I must train, if I manage that I will be content.

Half Term Halloween