Fight in all its forms.

Wednesday and after a brief rummage through my phone I am up and running with my mental to do list. Breakfast adn coffee and I am into my life admin, there are appointments to book, birthdays and anniversaries to acknowledge and more estate stuff to be done. So no reading time in the morning for reading. This morning was earmarked for getting my next set of appoints lined up. I need a time to get jabbed and two to have bloods taken. Sounds straight forward and it is if I can get through to the GP surgery. Having made myself comfortable I settle down for the long phone in. First phase is the line busy stage, which seems to go on for ever, either there are a lot of people quicker on the redial than me or the receptionist is listing to a life story of adn medical history of great complexity and detail. Finally I am blessed with the “our receptionists are busy, please stay on the line” message and know I am in the cyber holding pen. There is no music to keep me entertained, like “I will survive”, just the same “we are busy” message to keep me engaged. It seems an age before a voice says hello. Once at this stage it is all very smooth and efficient. By the time I am off the phone there are confirmation text messages on my phone. My phone calendar gets updated and I move on.

There is yet more paperwork to be done for my sisters estate but I finally get to the stage where I can email the solicitors who are administering the estate. I think I am clear for the day when another tax form arrives and has to be dealt with. Its not all bad as apparently I am getting my winter fuel allowance soon, which prompts me to do the house accounts. By lunchtime there is nothing else I can do to organise either finances or health.

Lunch with Steph’s Packed Lunch and I am ready for my afternoon chores while my partner visits her mother. Having cleared the kitchen and got rid of yet more recycling I drove to the garden centre to buy provisions for our weekend away. Time is rushing by and I can feel myself running out of spoons so I get myself home and take a few minutes to check my emails again and send some messages. Once I had gained my breathe I put my washing away took my vitals and got changed to train. My last chance before going away so I need to take it or I will not hold of the medication side effects. I get into the garage and strap myself into the rowing machine and set off on a 45 minute session. I was determined to give this a go and at least try and get to my usual standard. The temperature has dropped so am glad for my track suit for the first fifteen minutes after which I get really hot. By the end of the session I am a pool of sweat but a happy person as I made my standards and some.

Oh yes this is more like, 9k+ and 600+ calories.

As the say in the Good Place, Forking awesome. I am totally spoonless now but happy. I head for the sofa, record the session and then change into evening wear lounge wear. I draft the blog and know I shall stare in to space for a while, watch football followed by Celebrity Race Across the World and then meander my way to night meds and bed. The packing for tomorrows journey can wait till the morning as can checking the car. I am truly spent.

I predict pixies will make beauty.