Fight, because what other options are there?

Monday, again. Wake and check the usual sites. Right I am updated, no messages, no emails, and the world is as it was yesterday. My bank details no different and there’s nothing in the diary apart from Tesco, so a usual Monday. So breakfast and meds and my day is my own.

When my day is my own and its a Monday, its a laundry day, so I excavate the laundry basket and get a load in then escape to the Shed. I refill the squirrel feeder and the bird feeders, which I regard as my ticket into The Good Place on the basis that in the final reckoning I can say that at least I fed the squirrels and the birds. I light my scented candle, my last one, so they can go on my Christmas list, and sit at my Shed table and write a letter. The oncologist told me this current chemo would slow me down and he is not wrong, its a sort of brain fog, my stream of consciousness seems to be slowed or at least less able to jump along from idea to idea, making connections and applying wit. Its probably reflected in the blog, which will explain why fewer people are accessing it. No surprise really if it reflects my dullness at the moment. So it takes me longer to write letters at the moment. By lunchtime I’ve managed a single letter. I can do no more and return to the house where my laundry is waiting to be hung out.

With a line full of T shirts and underwear I have lunch with my partner . I sip soup and ponder over todays cross words. These too can take longer to complete but I stick at it and get them completed. I take a walk over to the post box and note that the collection flag on the post box says Wednesday and I wonder if that is true or whether collection bunnies just can’t be arsed to change the flag when they empty the pillar box. It makes a mockery of first class delivery if there has been a random decision not to collect daily from the pillar box outside the local in shop post office. I am hoping it is a case of the occasional collecting person having quietly quit and cant be arse to change the next collection flag. Today being Monday and the flag saying Wednesday I can only assume that it is either accurate or multiple collectors since last Wednesday could not be arsed, unless there has been a dumping of the system altogether since last Wednesday. I’m not sure why this exercises me so much, something about customer service I guess and the recent rise in first class stamps. Of course this will not stop me writing letters but it is making me think a pigeon loft might not be such a bad idea after all. Perhaps a Harry Potter owl but I fear that is too fanciful. I go home to download tax papers and charge my Fitbit. I’m mentally tinkering with the idea of doing an half hour on the rower, I need the PSI points. While I wait I draft a bit more of the blog.

This is what mental tinkering does for you.

Yep I trained for 45 minutes and almost made my usual standard 9K and 600 calories for the time. With no rest I took in my washing and hung it on the drier to finish off, no tumble drying here for a while, the heating is already on twice a day. I run off the capital gains tax forms for the estate and will get them gone tomorrow.

Its evening and I am knackered, totally spoonless, yet there are still the joys of a late evening Tesco delivery to come. I down a pint of effervescent paracetamol and draft more of the blog before tea. There will be Lupin on Netflix tonight while we wait for Tesco and then I shall be off to bed. Its been a rugged day to day but underneath it there is a flow of good, messages from friends and reminders that my pixies are still functional and I am still standing.