Battle, that’s all I have

Thursday and I am awake early after a night of dreams. For some reason I was sitting an exam which I was not happy about to the extent that I chopped my desk and chair up and fashioned a galleon with offence slogan on the sails. At this point I woke. I thought about going back in but decided to spend some time checking my emails and messages. I ended up doing quite a lot of business before finally getting out of bed and having breakfast.

I tidied a bit, cleared the kitchen and then read for a bit. At lunch time there was bacon sandwiches and then more reading. I settled in the sunshine of the lounge and wrote a letter to an old colleague who I had not heard from for a while and then popped over to the post office to sent my letter on its way and pick up a paper. The short walk left me breathless, concerningly so. I rested doing the crosswords and letting myself calm down. Outside in the garden the Michaelmas daisies are providing nectar for the bees and butterflies. And rooks are taking advantage of the bird feeder.

Now even the rooks/crows/ravens? eat at our bird feeders.

I rest and try to decide which poem to take to the poetry Stanza this Saturday. Its a choice between something flippant related to my waist size or something a little more pithy about my cancer. Once I make my choice I rest more until tea before once again settling down to draft the blog to a background of NCIS while my partner is having her weekly singing lesson. I feel another early night coming on. I do not feel clever and place my faith in rest and sleep. I have a trip to make next week, a poetry stanza to attend and some birthday planning to do alongside the continuing saga of my sisters estate. Time to eat the elephant one bite at a time.

We are the new ancients