My latest blood test results

It’s Saturday and the blood results are in!!!! Looking good with my PSA level down again to 1.9. All the rest are looking good with several moving into the normal range. My kidneys, remember them and the Jamaican adventure, are up to eGFR 62. Best they have been and only 8 off being spot on normal for my age. This fully justifies my being signed off from the urology unit.

Apart from this good news the day is going well with the arrival of my youngest daughter and her boyfriend. Today is the day that we are baking the Christmas cakes. Used to be two but now is three due to my youngest daughters boyfriends parents liking for them. So as I type they have been popped in to the range to cook. I love this as the house will begin to smell of fresh cooking Christmas cake. We all have, of course, had a stir of the mixtures and made our wishes. So now we settle down to wait for the results. It coming up to football results time and the early evening preparation for the evening entertainments. Me, I’m celebrating my new low PSA level with a 0% Heineken and the bag of Maltesers.

One thought on “CHEMO DAY 83

  1. Chris Woodward says:

    I’m still reading your blog! I’m sad at all the crap stuff that you are going through, but absolutely delighted at your blood results.
    I hope that the Christmas baking is as delicious as usual and send my love and best wishes to everyone in what must be a full household.

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