Fight from the depths.

Tuesday and the last day of chemo cycle 4, which signals the need to refill my drugs wallet. Strangely I’m awake at 7 0’clock and reading David Sedaris’s Dress Your Family in Corduroy an Denim, more of his humorous observations of himself and the world he experiences. By 9 o’clock I am up and having breakfast before I ritualistically fill my drugs wallets for the next two weeks. Tomorrow I move on to cycle 5 of my chemo with no gap. I feel fatigued but start the blog before I go to the Shed. Life has to be simple when spoonless so today my to do list reads: 1, drugs, 2. Letters, 3. Train. 4. Put bins out. That’s it. If I do that it will have been a good day. 1 is done so I am off to the Shed to do 2.

Its 16:35 and true to my to do list I have spent most of my time in the Shed writing letters, three in all and managed to get to the post box in time for collection. Going to the post box meant that I could complete 4 on the to do list and bring the car back onto the drive. So I sit with a coffee updating the blog and wondering if I will get to train. I’m feeling very tired but want to not let myself down.

Well that’s number three on the to do list done.

So I manage thirty minutes on the rower and that just about finishes me, I’m now spoonless. I very gratefully eat my evening meal, update my blood pressure spread sheet and do the cycle average and then get the blog drafted. I’m done now, all that matters now is getting through the evening with limited effort and the Great British Bake Off before heading for the sanctuary of bed and a nights sleep. Getting up at 7am was a rash start to the day. I’m hoping that I can get well into my last at hand Davis Sedaris book Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim, in which there are more of his essays about his life, family and observation. So I wave cycle 4 farewell and step straight in to cycle 5 tomorrow.

Yep we all do.