Fight, just fight

Saturday starts after an uneasy night of hot flushes and sticky weather. I have a light breakfast and morning meds and settle down to the first rugby match of the day. From there on its all rugby matches and football games interspersed with transferring more DVD into a second carry case. There is a brief interlude of recycling and then its back to the rugby. There are interludes of eating. In a moment of organisation my partner and I book a four day break for the end of next week. Then it is back again to rugby. So that is it, a full on cabbage day, this is the life of a sports addict. It is of course compensation for what I can no long do, my days of rugby, squash and marathon running are over as are my hard training in the gym and looking in the mirror and seeing someone honed. Its one of the big bits of myself that I miss due to cancer and the medications. I no longer like or trust my body. Time for a brief draft of the blog, night meds and then bed.

It’s hot. Ice lollies are an essential.