Fight all the while

Wednesday and I wake up to the sounds of the house at work and finally get up. I do not feel great and notice my PSI score has dropped below 100 so I know I am going to have to train today. I settle down with a dish of muesli (cholesterol friendly) and go through my emails and find there is work to be done on my sisters estate. Not a big deal but it took time. I watch another Harvard Justice lecture and then I set about cleaning the filters in the dishwasher, all I can say is that Daisy has been letting herself go . Once I had done the nasty bits I set off on a cleaning cycle. These are some of the mundane things that fill my days. I do not think I am unique but I am either desperate for folk to know it or I have a sense that great portions of humanities time is spent on such things but no one wants to face the fact that their lives are not a continuous stream of exciting and interesting activities. Of course we all know it but I guess I feel that my cancer makes me notice. Difficult to explain really, I will leave it with you.

I go to the Shed and spend time making a video letter. Occasionally I do this if I feel estranged from my pens and ink. Any way I complete the letter and transfer it to a USB and pop it into an envelope. Yes I know what you are thinking, “why doesn’t he send it as an email attachment or e document.” Its simple really I just do not think its the same as finding an envelope on the doorstep like a real letter. So I send them through the mail, I think its a win win. Any way having prepared the envelope I pack up the Shed and return to the house and then I go to the post office to send off me voice letter. In a moment of spontaneity I decide to walk down to the co-op to pick up pasta and strawberries for my tea tonight as the rest of the household are all out. Once home and the family are out I get myself into my kit and go to the garage. Its time to row, so I set myself up for a 45 minute row which if I am lucky will get me over the 100PSI level I need. So I set off and immediately have a moment of regret, this is going to be a bitch of a session. So I guess I try to compensate and go at it a bit more than I feel capable of. By the end of the 45 minutes I am knackered and very hot. The good news is that I have reached my normal distance and calorie burn, go me.

At last a 9K+ row and 600+ calories.

I’m so hot post training and wonder around with my nothing but my neck fan on trying to cool down. Once I finally get cooled down I throw on kimono and cook my pasta and prepare a dish of strawberries. I settle down and eat while watching a poor Sly Stallone film made for teenagers, really very odd. The family return home and drift off to bed as I draft the blog. Tomorrow is my cancer review, by phone of course, and I have been doing my homework. I’ve worked out my average blood pressure over my three cycles so far and updated my bloods. The aim is to convince he who made a pact with the devil to prescribe my chemo drugs in a three month block. It would make my cancer admin a bit easier and enable going away from home easier. I take my night meds and make my way to bed.

Sometimes this is the only option.