Fight rain or shine

Saturday and my blood results came in just before midnight last night. stayed up and made my results sheet up as I was eager to know how I am doing. The answer to that is according to the arithmetic I am doing well. Crucially my PSA has dropped to a level that it was 18 months ago. My platelet count is now in the normal range for the first time in ages. Even those elements that are outside the normal range are moving towards the normal range, so I should be looking good. Add to this that my vitals are normal with a monthly average blood pressure of 127 over 76, heart rate about 70, temperature a constant 36.2 and my oxygen saturation rate that averages 98% everything should be tickerty boo. Of course its not if I am passing blood when I exercise but the arithmetic says that I should be in a happy shiny place. The reality is that the side effects of fatigue due to the chemo drugs is a real drag. Psychologically its tricky to keep positive when feeling tired and I find myself avoiding making decisions and seeking increasingly periods of quiet rest and reflection.

This set of results are encouraging, it seems I am one of the 30% who respond to the new chemo drugs.

I get up and make warm drinks for myself and my partner. I shall my latest result with her and wish a relative happy birthday before checking my messages adn emails. All that done its time to get back to the women’s world cup. I catch the tail end of Spain beating Switzerland 5-1. I go straight from that to the Japan v Denmark game. A good game that sees Japan come out 3-1 on top. These are nock out games to get into the quarterfinals so they have a real urgency about them. Both are good games. My partner and I eat bacon and sandwiches during the post match analysis. It appears that female pundits are as patchy as the male ones, no surprise really the agenda is the same, good television.

My partner does some pre gym ironing and then leaves me while I start to draft the blog. Having stayed up till 1am to do my results I am feeling a bit off so I am likely to take a nap soon before I try to find the coverage of the international rugby matches later this afternoon. It continues to rain and I realise I have no handy snacks or treats to see me through. I shall improvise.

My day is then full of rugby internationals, a bad film followed by When Harry Met Sally, which is a great film to end the day on. I take my meds and go to bed to read. I wont be up for the first world cup game tomorrow but I might catch a later one.

Still some clock left yet

Holding on to the fact that the sun will follow.