Fight through the lows and the highs but fight always

Friday I wake early to shower so as to arrive at the GP’s fresh and smelling sweet. I have time for a swift decaf coffee and morning meds adn then I am off to have my bloods taken. My GP system works really well and I am soon in chatting to the vampire, who is actually highly skilled. I clench my fist and slap my vein as she gets the vial ready and then its on with the tourniquet and in with the needle. In no time at all my two vials are filled and I am holding down the fluffy cloud on my arm while she labels my bloods. That done my fluffy cloud is taped down and I am released. My blood form has “PRE CHEM URGENT” written across it so I am hopeful that the results will be in just after midnight. I walk home via the village shop and get a paper. I contemplate breakfast at the village cafĂ© but cannot face it so go directly home.

Once home I complete the cross word and puzzles before feeling up to muesli. There is no football to watch today so I idle for a while as my laptop reloads itself properly. There is nothing urgent to do so I wander over to the post box and send my latest letters. Task completed, I consider my rejection of the RACs exorbitant renewal fee and cast around for an alternative. I settle on Green Flag and cover both my and my partners cars for a relatively moderate sum. My partner and I have tuna sandwiches for lunch and then we go to the gym so that my partner can try out working from the club lounge on their WiFi. Before we leave I go for a pee and am disappointed and distressed to see blood in my urine. We drive to the gym where I settle down with my laptop and a book as my partner tries out the work laptop on the club WiFi. I spend a long time restarting my laptop and read while it takes a tediously long time to wind itself up. My partner’s experiment fails as her work fire wall will not let her through on the David Lloyd member network. She decides to go up to the gym floor to train for a while. I go to the loo and to my surprise there is no blood. It is becoming difficult to know what is triggering it. So for the moment I am relieved (no pun intended) and happier with life. While my partner trains I settle down to drat the blog. As I type I get messages from a friend on holiday who seems to be having a great time with her wife and children. It sounds like the sort of seaside holiday that the children will remember for a long time, as it is full of crabs and fossils and the exciting things to do. I down load my new Green Flag documents and all the other cyber paraphernalia that goes with it so now if anything goes wrong I can use my phone to summon help.

If I follow my usual habit my evening will be long as I wait for my PSA result to come in just after midnight. Here is hoping that at least there is good news here and I dip below 5.5.

STOP PRESS: The results are in. PSA down to 2.3 a drop of 3.1. Full results tomorrow.

Note to self and all beset by others