
It has been a day of mixed of activity today. I woke after a night of bad calf muscle cramps. It is a strange side effect of chemo if it is indeed a side affect. I’ve never experienced cramp like this, in fact I’ve never suffered from cramp, not even when I ran marathons. I have of course googled it but apart from a possible dehydration problem or a lack of magnesium I have not come up with anything. It could of course be part of the progressive response to being poisoned. It makes me wary of exercise at the moment and less likely to go to the gym, however I need to resist this and keep a good gym routine in place, especially if the next two cycles are going to be more difficult to shake off. Once I was up I went to the village to see if I had ordered any more drugs, which I had not, and to get a paper. Whilst there I decided to have breakfast at the village cafĂ©. This always gets me off to a good start and allows me time to do crosswords and to get my thoughts in order. By the time I have got home I have a couple of new “to do” lists and a plan. This is all well and good until I get a WhatsApp asking if I would have a look at a document and see what I thought. So I down load the document and begin to go through it trying to understand the arguments and the evidence in relation to the outcome. I spend a lot of time going through the details and trying to cross reference information. I pull my initial thoughts together and send them off. I will now let the information in my head churn around for a while and see what comes to me for consideration later on.

I move the cars around so the 4×4 can be used and research possible Christmas and birthday presents until my partner returns home early in order to avoid the still flooded routes around the village. I sink into the evening routine of dinner and some TV, however I am not sure I can take a night of Pudsey and a constant stream of videos about the barbarity of humans to humans and the callous disinterest of nature towards mammals, or in fact any living thing. The fortitude with which humans attempt to alleviate each others pain and misfortune is to be admired and inevitably makes me wonder what my contribution has been or is to be. However I shall continue to wrestle with the vagaries of Word Press and/or my IT system that is still creating problems for me in writing the blog. I will continue to beaver away and see is I can find some solutions. I am aware that I have a growing stack of books to read, the latest being Primo Levi. I increasingly have a sense of idling my time away, that must not happen.

My Island