Fight, even in sleep

Tuesday arrives and I wake up to the sound on my partner at work in the office downstairs, we are back to post holiday normal. I check my messages and emails adn find one from my youngest daughter heads upping me that an email has come in from the solicitor dealing with the sale of the house in London. I get up, do my vitals and put away yesterdays washing before going downstairs to breakfast. To my delight I find a forgotten bag of freshly ground decaffeinated coffee and make myself a pot. I then set about down loading all the papers from the solicitor. Its a nonsense, they want an entire checklist of everything in the down to plug sockets and other trivia. They also want papers signed by the owner, good trick if you can do it as she is dead. Some lazy arse in the solicitors office has just sent out a standard package with thinking about what they are doing. I email back asking for clarification about ownership when it is part of a dead persons estate and the executors position in this when the estate is being handled by colleagues in the same firm of solicitors. I tell the that no one from the family is going to London to do an inventory given it was sold as seen and their colleagues in the same firm over saw the clearance, cleaning and preparation for sale. If they want a inventory they can get their colleagues responsible for the estate to do it. A good mornings task for a para legal I would have thought. As yet there is no reply.

It would seem that there is still more death admin to be done in the form of finding space to locate he family archive. I set about creating space for the files and other bits and pieces still sitting in the hall way. I am at least successful in clearing the floor space in the spare bedroom, reconfiguring the storage unit and starting to locate the files in it. There is is also the final coming together of all knickknacks, which will need to be dispersed, sold, junked or donated. I review the filing system for the many documents and photos and invest in more spring binders and photo holders to reduce storage space. So tomorrow I will have new resource and the chance to further organise the stuff laying around. Having got to the end of where I can get to I decide to train. I do not feel like it but it needs to be done. I get changed and get to the garage and set myself up for an hours row. This session goes better than the last session and I reach my standard goals, so I hit 12000+ metres and 800+ calories.

Go me 800+ calories.

I am a sweaty mess at the end of the session and I take a while to recover before moving the car of the drive for the Tesco order later tonight and putting the bins out. With all this done its time to eat tea and start to draft the blog. The evening will dribble away till Tesco deliver and then I can settle down and read before getting myself to bed.

Did I miss Summer?