Fight on the beach

Monday and I wake in a very strange state. Post dreaming of fish tanks, monkeys and mermaids, it all seemed so real and bizarre. It takes me a while to get up, when my partner makes me a defcaff coffee. Its wet, its warm, it has a vague coffeeish taste but basically its not coffee and tastes crap. It does get my intestines working and makes me crave food. We have breakfast and I take my morning meds. I am still not sure what my dreams were about, I’ll work on it later. Its raining hard and people are huddling by with hoods up and not looking kike they are having fun at all. I do my vitals, all good there and settle down to doing sod all really apart from a welcome shower, where I notice how long my hair is getting. I check my messages, my emails and other bits and bobs on the laptop. I notice I have some files in my emails that are redundant, as for instance one for some one who died a while ago and a company I did some work for. There are one or two others that need to go. So I erase them. Strangely later in the day as I walk the beach a short poem occurs to me as I ponder the going of old messages.

The pyre burns
Words to ashes
And I grieve.
Left with the 
Of experience.  

After much lazing about the rain abates and my partner and I got to shop for odds and ends. With limited success we called a halt and dropped into a little café for a late lunch. We decide to dine then as the tide was still going out and making room for us to walk the beach later. We ordered and waited and admired the wall paintings done on what looked like old pallets. I quite liked them.

Having eaten (note to self, body doesn’t like cucumber any more) my partner and I go shopping for tonight’s late tea, simple nibbles stuff with no cooking required, my partners plea. We return to the apartment and stow the food and try to decide what is appropriate clothing for the beach walk. Footwear is proving to be an issue and in the end I decide to use my boat shoes. So we set off across the moist sands of Westward Ho! with an eye on the leaden skies. I’m not enthusiastic but I am not training today so I make the effort. Its a walk to and back from the coast guard station. By the time I return to the jetty I am tired and by the time I am back at the apartment my feet are complaining. I change and find my feet have bled slightly where the shoes have rubbed so I discard them and settle down with the paper to do the cross words and begin to draft the blog. I do the early evening vitals and return to the blog, all the time the rain worsens and people become fewer and fewer passing our sea front patio. I suspect I will succumb to Wimbledon or a film tonight punctuated by our picnic tea at some point. Then the inevitable night meds and bed, perchance to dream again. Perhaps more mermaids as I am by the ocean.

I wonder if they knit and sew