Fight even in the interval

Its Sunday my first full day without the new drugs, it feels okay. My partner brings me decaf coffee in bed and we plan the day. I do my vitals, all good and then we have breakfast against a darkening background out to sea. We go to Tesco to get a paper and tonight’s meal and then we take the long way back to the apartment to gauge the receding high tide and to see what the life guards do at that time.

Back on our patio we do crosswords and read until the the approaching downpour reaches us. Its inside for a while as we watch the heavy rain.

There is something quintessentially English about an ice cream van sitting it out.

At this point after a conversation with my partner who complained that I did not give due credit for her hole in one on the crazy golf course yesterday, so below I post the score card. Note the mighty hole in one on the tricky 10th hole.

Note the tricky 10th hole is mastered in one.

I continue to do crosswords and for the first time in my life actually complete a general knowledge one and pop it in an envelope to see if I can win the £1500 prize. I doubt very much that I am going to be first out of the winning correct bag. I brief lunch follows and as it is still overcast and chilly I start to draft the blog, empty the dishwasher and prepare for the beach walk that has become part of the daily routine. However due to the inclement weather my partner and I walk up to the “haunted house” and back to the now busy ice ream van where we indulge in post walk 99s.

Westwood Ho! the famous haunted house, allegedly.

Its afternoon vitals time, which are all good, and then I boxercise for a while just to feel I am fighting back a bit on holiday. It would seem that the freebees that come with David Lloyd membership are being useful at last. The boxercise earns me Physical Activity Intelligence points and keeps me above the 100 PAI mark, which is the level at which it is claimed people live longer if they maintain it. Got to be worth a try and it adds discipline to the one thing I can do to help myself fight cancer medication side effects. I am appalled at my loss of agility and bendiness, I have some strength (avoid being frail at all costs)and some capacity for endurance but no suppleness. I need to begin to do some yoga before I seize up completely, perhaps a retreat, time to get my friends book out and use it.

By early evening the sun comes out, England win at cricket and Westwood Ho! has the buzz of an English resort on a Sunday evening as it braces itself for the season to start properly with the release of children from learning prisons all over the country. Fresh pasta for supper tonight and probably time on the sofa with a book or TV. If I am lucky I might get to see a sunset, one of those where if you listen carefully you can hear the Shhhh as it sinks into the sea and switches night on. Mmm that what comes of seeing my first rabbit among the beach huts today whilst on our walk.

Todays sunset to share.