Fight it on the beaches

Wednesday, what a shit night, I could not sleep and the night hot flushes were grim. Eventually I got some sleep and reverted back to my early morning deep sleeping which meant I finally surfaced at about 10:30. My partner bought me a decaf coffee and I came round enough to do my vitals before a breakfast croissant, yogurt, strawberries and drugs. I check my fitness tracker and find I have plunged below the 100 mark, so apart from a walk down the long beach I will need to find an exercise routine to do today to get my points back up. Not looking forward to that but it is my only weapon against the side effects of the chemo drugs. Onward to the beach then.

An hours walk along the jelly fish strewn beach that is Westward Ho! blows the cobwebs away albeit not as windy as yesterday. Its then back to the apartment for a brief brake before its time for the crazy golf course. There is a queue and several large families already on the course so we decide to have coffee and a large slab of shared chocolate cake before returning to the course. We pay, collect clubs and a score card and set off on our round. I find I am erratic at this sport and loose on both stroke count and holes won. It is all a mystery to me really.

Crazy golf at its pirate best.

Having done the golf we shop for tonight’s meal before returning to the apartment for coffee and cross words, I discover an App that lets me watch the second half of a football match. England under 21s beat Israel to get into Saturdays final. I draft more of the blog as tea cooks and then settle down to eat and plan an evening. I need desperately to do two things, one, train and two have a bath. That may well be my evening. After all I do not want to go into my birthday smelly.

Tea is eaten and I settle down with my partner to watch TV, Hunted. I clear the kitchen area and draft the blog before showering, taking my meds and going to bed. Tomorrow is my birthday, I will have been alive for three quarters of a century, I do not feel old or irrelevant but I do feel that I am clearer about what my priorities are.

A lesson well learnt and well taught.