Fight a bloody fight.

Having gone to bed early I wake in the same bed on this Friday morning. Its quite late so I take myself into the spare room and do a set of vitals (all good as usual). Time for breakfast and then there is more work to be done on the family tree documents. As I work away my new certificate binder appears and so I set to filling it. I have all sorts of death, birth and marriage certificates to file and to interrogate. Its a fruitful exercise as I discover that I have a not so distant relative who was a “zoological gardens porter”. I’m chuffed to find a zoo keeper in the family. I have lunch with my partner on the patio.

Post lunch I get messages and an email about the house in London. The estate agents have noticed the boiler is leaking. The agents are getting someone in to see it is secured an the estate will have to foot the bill. At least they are showing people round it after it being on the market for two days. I return to the family tree and email one branch of he family and tell them what I am doing and request missing information. I am soon getting enthusiastic responses and new data. By the end of the afternoon I am data full adn drive my partner to the hairdresser attached to the gym. I take the opportunity to pop in to the gym and do an hours session on the cross trainer. As sessions go it is okay.

600+ calories over 7+ kilometres, that’s good.

I go to the changing rooms and shower and then to the lounge for a hot chocolate and triple choc cookie while I wait for my partner to emerge from the hairdressers. I go for a piss and find I got blood in my urine again. I just can’t win. Either I stop training and do not mitigate the chemo side effects or I continue and risk occasionally passing blood, which may not be so bad as it does not persist, its just distressing, which can be coped with as well. After all Muhmmed Ali pissed blood for a week after his rumble in the jungle. Me not being a prize fighter, just an ordinary Jo trying to stay fit am not prepared for such outcomes. I drive my partner to the chippy and then home for a Friday night chippy supper. We watch a new TV series until my partner goes to bed when I watch Artic Monkeys at Glastonbury while drafting the blog. I down my night drugs and go to bed having written my to do list and packing list for the coming holiday.

Through it all there is another tomorrow