Fight and struggle always

Sunday and yet again I wake early and cannot settle. Eventually I get through my routine of messages and emails followed by taking my vitals. We have breakfast and have a long face to face call with our youngest daughter. She is now at the stage of needing to rest as much as possible until she has her child in July.

Its time to go to the gym. I drive my partner there and we get up to the gym floor. I grab a cross trainer and set myself up for an hours session. I plug Rammstein into my ears and set off sipping water as I go. By the end of the session I am 600+ calories less.

Sunday session, a Fathers Day session

I change, shower and head for the lounge and a hot chocolate. My partner joins me and we drive home to indulge in fat rascals on the patio. I take photos of some of the flowers that are flourishing in my garden. I am ever in awe of how nature just keeps going and producing spontaneous beauty.

The afternoon vitals need to be done so I get myself comfortable in the spare room and promptly nap. When I come round my vitals are fine and its time to eat tea. Football and chocolate follow into a evening of increasing fatigue and failing concentration. I enter my late evening sense of effort and waning cognitive capacity. It would seem that my spoon economy is feeling the effects of all the competing demands at the moment. I take my meds and vaguely make a to do list for tomorrow which I hope my pixies will hold onto till the morning. PS, delayed publishing due to server being down. That’s American servers for you.

Swim deep