Fight on, new guns for old

Tuesday. A headache day. Started okay and was reasonable for a morning of paper signing. The probate papers get signed and I take them across to the post office to wing them on their way. Some men rob you with a gun others with a fountain pen. Once that was out of the way I returned to preparing for the task ahead of collecting my blood pressure, I have made up a journal to record the results alongside my SATs, heart rate and temperature so that I can refer to it quickly when the oncologist rings me. The sphygmomanometer is working as is the SATS and heart rate finger monitor. The thermometer required new batteries but is now working. Of course I give myself a trail run, it would appear that I am normal. I am going to practice each day now to get in to the swing of it all.

My afternoon is spent integrating the all the London house stuff we retrieved from my youngest daughter’s at the weekend into the stack of things we have here. I use some of the ear ring storage modules that I ordered and also order some more bracelet rolls to complete the integration. All afternoon I beaver away until I’ve got the number of boxes down to the minimum. I’ve no idea what I’m going to do with it all. By the time I have put everything away its gone five o’clock and there are chores to do. The bins get put out, the kitchen cleared and cleaned and then I cook myself an omelette and settle down to watch TV. I have a crap headache and just slob out until my partner returns from an after work meal date with a friend.

I draft the blog and take my evening meds along with some paracetamol, then retreat to bed in the hope that sleep will rid me of my headache. I’ve not trained, written letters or several other things that have “ought to” attached to them, but as a friend reminded me. what I’ve done to day will have to be enough.

To Do list should be fun, why aren’t they?