Fight and fight and fight again

Wednesday and I am slugabedding till 9 o’clock when I get brought a coffee. Its very welcome and helps me come round after a reasonable nights sleep. I get up and fix myself breakfast but notice that the squirrel has abandoned the squirrel feeder for more tasty morsels in the bird feeder and in doing so is demonstrating its dexterity.

Never been able to rely on my toenails like this!

I have breakfast and then I start to prepare for the new painting to arrive tomorrow. I move the existing canvas print of a holiday photo taken in Kenya to the stairs and relocate the displaced fossil, that was a retirement present ( I do not think it was intended as a joke), on the stairs. So there is now a bare space awaiting the new acquisition. I hoover the room and get rid of the errant cobwebs to spruce the room for the new arrival. Having sorted that I move onto contacting the solicitor and formally setting out the executive signatory and checking the probate time scale.

Time to train, so as my partner goes off to see her mother I drive to the gym. I get a bottle of water and make my way to the gym floor where I set up a cross trainer for an hour session. I set off with Rammstein loud in my ears and the resolution to drink at each third of the time. I keep a steady pace and I am surprised how easy it comes to me, I’m tempted to press on harder but do not as this is what makes me piss blood, so I press on persistently. It goes well and I burn 600+ calories and I collect a lot of PSI points on my fitness calculator.

This was a good session, almost 700 calories gone.

The last of my water get drunk and I head for the changing rooms to shower and get cool. Feeling better than I have done for days I treat myself to a coffee and a caramel shortbread before heading home in the sunshine. I arrive home at the same time as my partner. She has brought her mothers watch and a new strap for it so I sit on the patio with my watch kit and put the new strap on as I and my partner chat about our coming timetable and what we can plan and what needs to wait until I know what delicious cocktail of chemicals he who made a pact with the devil decides to dish up for me on Tuesday and how I react to them. Nothing worse than planning a long journey if your throwing up on the hour. Not that I ever had but you can bet your life its on the list of common side effects for whatever I get prescribed. I settle down to draft the blog as my partner goes off with a friend for a meal. I make my evening meal and settle down for the evening with a J K Rowling film, more wizardry nonsense no doubt or perhaps the new Sewing Bee series. I shall laze and think about what I am going to do with my sisters stained glass works tomorrow. They need to be cleaned and stored flat. I shall hang as many as I can in the Shed. I’ve already hung up the now mended Kiwi, a hedgehog, a cat tile and a delightful small circular one with a cat watching a shooting star. Once I have done what’s necessary I will post pictures of them. In the meantime I hope for a good nights sleep.

Nap, Sew, Nap, repeat.